quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010

visite la feria Agroexpo, en Extremadura, del 27 al 30 de Enero

Situada en Don Benito (Badajoz-España) es un consorcio que cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia en la organización de certámenes comerciales,congresos, jornadas profesionales y otras actividades relacionadas con el comercio y la promoción empresarial.
Cuenta con unas modernas instalaciones de 22.000 m² en pabellones cubiertos y otros 20.000 m² de superficie de exposición exterior, equipadas con los últimos avances tecnológicos y con una amplia y moderna infraestructura de servicios. Completan sus instalaciones unos espaciosos aparcamientos, tanto para expositores como visitantes, así como amplios jardines, zonas de descansos y viales interiores, configurado todo ello sobre una parcela de 120.000 m².
Además sus instalaciones cuentan con un moderno y polifuncional edificio de más de 10.000 m² dotado de las más vanguardistas tecnologías que permite completar la oferta expositiva y de servicios , convirtiendo a FEVAL en el referente regional en cuanto a organizaciones feriales y uno de las recintos feriales más importante de todo el SurOeste Ibérico.
Las mangueras FLEXTEC estan en los stands de MERCOGUADIANA y ACOPAEX

terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2010

Feliz Dia de los Reyes Magos

El Dia de los Tres Reyes - Three Kings Day
The twelve days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day, December 25th and end on the Twelfth Night, January 5th . On January 6th, traditionally the last day of the Christmas season, is when we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. (Technically the last day of the season is February 2 and you thought people were just being lazy about taking down their Christmas lights!)
In Mexico, Spain and other Latin countries it is when children receive the majority of their gifts from the Three Kings rather than from Santa Claus at Christmas. Before going to bed the children place their old shoes or a box filled with grass or hay under their bed for the camels with a wish list on top for the Three Kings. In the morning the shoes or box is filled with toys & gifts from the Three Kings.
According to legend based on scripture (Matthew 2:1-12) this day commemorates the Three Wise Men, Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar, who followed the star to Bethlehem, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They travel to Bethlehem, and along the way encountered King Herod, whom they tell of the birth of the new King. Herod orders them to find the baby and return to tell him where the Messiah could be found so that he may pay homage. After being warned by God in a dream that they should not return to Herod because he planned on killing the baby, they returned to their own countries another way.
The scripture does mention the three gifts but does not say how many came to visit. It was always assumed that if there were three gifts, then there were probably three people. Scholars estimate the number to be 2-12, possibly more. Are you wondering why they make such a big deal out of when the Kings came and not when the shepherds or others visited? It's because the "Kings" (Wise Men or Magi) who brought gifts to the infant Jesus were the first Gentiles (non-Jews) to acknowledge Jesus as "King" and in doing so, the first to reveal that Jesus came for all people, from all nations and races. Matthew 2:1